Sunday, December 13, 2009

a shout-out to Mike Behe

I'll just start off by saying I'm pissed.

I'm pissed.

I'm sick of hearing it people. It's crap. Actually, it's a complete lack of crap. If there was crap involved, at least it would have weight and a smell. You could even throw it.

But alas, creationism, intelligent design (whatever you choose to call it) is bunk. It is not science anything. The 'scientific' argument you try to make is based in fallacy. Science builds its house upon the rock, and creation builds it's house on sand.

No, I do not know how it began. At least, not until we build a time-machine. I placed a pretty high bid on a flux-capacitor yesterday and you will be the first to know (either next week or last week). Yes, everything is so fragile that a small change in any of a million things could end life on this planet. No, I don't think someone created this universe for us. We fight like hell to stay warm, stay cool, stay hydrated, make babies, and find food. No, I don't need god to tell me not to kill, not to steal, or not to sleep with my best friend's wife. No, I don't have all the answers. Like everyone else, I'm still looking. Yes, it would be much easier to believe and trust in the lord. But, that just doesn't fucking cut it for me.

I have spent the last few years meeting some very nice, kind, godly, and scientifically misguided individuals. I opened my mind to their perspective on the subject and I found this: "trust in god". I'm very happy that you found enlightenment in some kind of 'spiritual' experience however loosely you may define it. NO! Science will never be able to disprove your god. The point is:

Humans started this fun little game of looking at things, asking questions about it, and using logic to find some answers. History shows that it became pretty popular. It took us hundreds of years to figure out what few rules we understand now. If you want to learn, you can. But please don't sit and bitch because you don't want to play.

Maybe you would be happier if your god gave you a better way to deal with that whole eternal damnation thing. Oh wait, I think there is someone on a soapbox over there... oh wait it's me.

How silly.

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