Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The whole is greater than the sum of the individual parts

A cigarette, a balcony, and I
Watch a light snow.
No wind, not too cold.

An individual catches my eye
playing in subtle updrafts
It moves and moves and moves...
I follow it out of sight.

The snowflake will soon be on the ground
Joining the millions that came before.
But as the snowflake fell, it danced
as if it became aware.

*This is my stab at poetry.*

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Music Teachers are Sexy

One of the most important documents for a music educator is his/her philosophy of music education. This 1-page paper goes along with the resume to the possible employer. It is basically a portrait of how we feel about music education. It's very short and I have about 17 drafts accumulated during my years as a student.

My first one was a bunch of crap. I was aiming to please. They became gradually worse until today when I read my most recent abbarition from August 2007. It is nice to see that I have improved as a writer in the last three years... this paper was just silly.

I am writing an outline of important points to be included in my newest one and I have about 4 pages of material. To sort all this out I decided to take a peek at some examples from other universities. As I am reading all these I find that people fall into 2 main categories:

1) The textbook told me what I needed to write here
2) I lost my textbook so I'm going to fake it... music classes are pretty easy.

I have read about 20 different papers from undergrad and grad students and it looks pretty bleak. Everyone seems to miss the point. They might mention something about their own passion with music, or open with an anecdote about how they lost their virginity in the band locker room while Claire de Lune was playing in the background but they completely miss what seems to me as so simple: 'I love music and I want to share it with everyone'.

Why should we continue to fund music programs? Music can make you cower in a corner (The Ring soundtrack), start riots (Rage Against the Machine), pounce your lover (anything George Clinton), or trick you into thinking your chest is going to explode (Doctor Gradus...). My goal in music education is to introduce new music to the students that will elicit these different responses. All you sheeple (yeah I said it) will continue to pay for it because you can't get enough of it. We sex you into loving this stuff we love. Well... at least some of us do.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Nike Wisdom?

I met a cool girl and because I can't think of a better way to say it... she digs me. It's fantastic.

So, what do I do with this information? I have scripts and guiding paths for everything I confront on a day to day basis and this situation is comparable to being thrust into deep space and trying to figure out how to breath. I have had relationships, I've been on dates, I'm not a virgin... I'm not unfamiliar ground. Have I become senile? I have absolutely no idea how to handle this. Quite frankly I'm trapped in the confines of my emotions for the first time in (many many) years. I think I'm having a hard time following that and listening to myself because I have blocked it out for so long.

Should I be wearing a bullet-proof vest for this? Telling my self-defensive habits to have a few days off is makes me want to crawl into bed and not leave for the next week while I wait for all this to pass.

There was a moment last night where I was reacting on nothing but the high school puppy-love emotions. And.. well.. she digs me. So what do I do?

Stop complicating thing and just fuckin go for it.
